2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Monday, April 8 was a memorable day at Las Casitas. Approximately 50 people of all ages were present to view a total solar eclipse. Almost every casita was occupied as we prepared for the event. We were sorry to miss 11 members of the Dowie family who were unable to arrive due to flight complications.
Our group assembled on the oceanside patio of Casita 9 at 10:00am, when the moon slowly started to obscure the sun. The social comittee had tasty snacks available for all to enjoy. Anticipation grew as the sun’s illumination started to diminish. A cloudy forecast had created some anxiety, but at the critical moment only wispy clouds and blue sky prevailed.
The group was well-equipped with all sorts of protective eye-glasses, special eclipse binoculars, plus some impressive photo equipment. Even the sun shining through the holes in a colander was making crescent-shaped shadows on the patio.
The moment of totality was astounding. In an instant day became night. A beautiful corona surrounded the black moon. We even noticed orange solar flares shooting out from the sphere. It was a unique and special experience that we all shared together.
To celebrate the occasion and the opportunity to have so many of us here at one time; the social committee organized an evening buffet of many tasty dishes. It was special to be able to share this time together. Because it is rare to have so many different families present at one time, many of us had the chance to meet each other for the first time. It was especially nice to have so many “next generations” in attendance. What a special moment for Casitaland!